
Morgan Stanley
Last activity: 14 Jul 2022 12:33 EDT
Open Non default portal harness using url in full portal mode
Requirement: Pega version is 8.5.1
When user logs into the application or launches application url from email, a default portal is launched with a default portal harness(usually first navigation item maps to the same harness).
How to create a URL that opens the portal but launches a non-default navigation item(non-default hanress)?
Attempted Solution:
Written a custom activity(Ex:named ShowCustom) that calls doUIAction and pass the Harness name as parameter along with other parameters that harness needs to load properly.
create the url as below:
It is opening the harness, however not opening it as part of portal, so Header and navigation or not loaded.
Tried Snapstart url too, it did not seem to work.
I need a way to open a particular harness(page) of a portal through url in full portal mode.
As we embed the url in email, user launches a particluar page(harness) but should have the ability to move to other pages and logoout, etc as well.