Last activity: 7 Aug 2023 10:34 EDT
OOTB Stored Procedures - Always hindering upgrade process.
Hello @CelesteDufresne_GCS, @JimKelly_GCS, @NickLoving_GCS
Why would an OOTB SP hinder upgrade process ? This is not the first time, I have been performing various upgrades starting from PRPC6.X version to the latest PRPC844 for our application and every time it would be one or the other OOTB SP that would be blocking the upgrade ? Is that an issue with MSSQL or any of its specific version, in general ? or anything wrong with our environment ? Why such an issue would happen only in PROD ? Can we anticipate any structural differences between this SP across PROD and NON-PROD ? How can we reproduce this issue in NONPROD environments ?
Latest UPGRADE FAILURE ERROR from UPGRADE CLI below : ERROR - problem while running the procedure in License Database-General Problem encountered executing a stored procedure 213 S0001 Column name or number of supplied values does not match table definition. DatabaseException caused by prior exception: Column name or number of supplied values does not match table definition. | SQL Code: 213 | SQL State: S0001 From: (BY0VRGRKFRZ7WHNIF9RSXL24V6LIRFQIKA:(License Daemon)) SQL: {call dbo.sppr_aggregate_usage ()} SQL Inserts:
Hello @CelesteDufresne_GCS, @JimKelly_GCS, @NickLoving_GCS
Why would an OOTB SP hinder upgrade process ? This is not the first time, I have been performing various upgrades starting from PRPC6.X version to the latest PRPC844 for our application and every time it would be one or the other OOTB SP that would be blocking the upgrade ? Is that an issue with MSSQL or any of its specific version, in general ? or anything wrong with our environment ? Why such an issue would happen only in PROD ? Can we anticipate any structural differences between this SP across PROD and NON-PROD ? How can we reproduce this issue in NONPROD environments ?
Latest UPGRADE FAILURE ERROR from UPGRADE CLI below : ERROR - problem while running the procedure in License Database-General Problem encountered executing a stored procedure 213 S0001 Column name or number of supplied values does not match table definition. DatabaseException caused by prior exception: Column name or number of supplied values does not match table definition. | SQL Code: 213 | SQL State: S0001 From: (BY0VRGRKFRZ7WHNIF9RSXL24V6LIRFQIKA:(License Daemon)) SQL: {call dbo.sppr_aggregate_usage ()} SQL Inserts:
Caused by SQL Problems. Problem #1, SQLState S0001, Error code 213: Column name or number of supplied values does not match table definition.