
BNY Mellon
Last activity: 2 May 2019 22:08 EDT
Stored Procedure Must be declared
We are calling a Stored Procedure to return a unique id value. The SP is called in the browse tab of a Connect-SQL which is called in a RDB-List step in an activity. During run time the SP is getting failed with the below message.
There was a problem getting a list: code: 6550 SQLState: 65000 Message: ORA-06550: line 1, column 7: PLS-00201: identifier 'SP_BNYM_WORK_ID' must be declared ORA-06550: line 1, column 7: PL/SQL: Statement ignored
We checked the grants of the SP which match exactly with the other tables we refer. Please let me know if we have to make any additional configuration.
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