
BNP Paribas
Last activity: 27 Aug 2019 7:36 EDT
Node setup for agent run
Hello All,
Currently, we are in Pega 8.2.1 platform. In Dev environment, we have only one node & set the node type as universal ("DNodeType=Universal"). In Prod, we have two nodes & set the node type as "Stream" (-DNodeType=Stream) for user application access & "BackgroundProcessing"(-DNodeType=BackgroundProcessing) for agent run.
In Dev environment, agent rule should be configured as "Run on all nodes" other wise I'll get validation error. If I move this agent rule to production then I'm getting issue because, actually my agent should run only on one node at a time.
I don't want to create duplicate agent rule (one rule for DEV & one rule for Prod) to resolve this issue. Is there any solution to resolve this issue by configuration? Kindly clarify.Thanks
Boopathi Balu
***Moderator Edit-Vidyaranjan: Updated Platform Capability***