
Last activity: 16 May 2023 6:50 EDT
No routing information was provided for this assignment when we try to create a by an activity
Hi All,
I have a logic written in activity to create a case and after creating a case I need to skip first 2 assignments and When user access the case, user should be on 3rd assignment, So for that we have steps like 1.svcAddWorkObject to create a work object 2.svcPerformFlowAction calling this for skipping first 2 assignments in the flow.
Here the issue is, when I run the activity standalone, the case is opening in 3rd assignemnt as expected, When I run through agent and open the case I am getting the screen with below error "no routing information was provided for this assignment" this is happening on first assignment in the flow.
Please find the attached screenshot, It would be great if I get any inputs on the same, Thank you