
Last activity: 12 Aug 2016 5:16 EDT
New Application wizard not able to create implementation layer on Existing customer built framework
Hi All ,
Regarding 'New Application wizard not able to create implementation layer on Existing customer built framework'
I am getting error while creating new application on existing framework. Gone through pdn and found your inputs on given link. I have updated my logs on that post as well. Could you please let me know how to raise SR for proper guidance on this issue? Please let me know if you are aware of any known issues.
Customer built Application stack is
MyInsuranceCoFW(01.01.01)--> PegaInsureInsurePACL(07.13)-->PegaInsureInsureNBB(07.13)-->PegaInsureInsure(07.15)-->PegaRULES(7.10)
Appreciate your help on this.
***Updated by Moderator: Vidyaranjan. Removed user added #helpme and Ask the Expert tags. Apologies for confusion, shouldn't have been an end-user option; updated Category***