Last activity: 21 Jan 2023 18:13 EST
Organization layer built-on Strategic apps affect new vennila applications
In my application, I have an application hierarchy as A extends B extends C extends PegaRules where A is the implementation layer, B is the organization layer and C is PEGA KYC/CLM.
Now I want to create a new simple application X and I need to re-use organisation assets by extending application B but I dont want the KYC/CLM for the application X.
How can I fix this problem? Should I move the KYC/CLM as a built-on application to A and, B directly extends the PegaRules?
Create another application rule B1 with all the organisation layer rules and built-on PegaRules?
Note: Application A is already running in production.
***Edited by Moderator Marije to add Capability tags***