
Last activity: 16 Oct 2018 12:03 EDT
How do we extend the class structure in Multiple built-on applications
In Multiple built-on applications, we understood the application and ruleset stack at Design and Run time.
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MortPlus is built on Underwriting and Pricing.
Query1: How do we extend the class structure of Underwriting and Pricing to MortPlus
In Single built-on application, we use direct inheritance to extend framework i.e. application is built on framework.
Query2: How do we extend the class structure of 2 framework applications i.e. application is built on 2 frameworks
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Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Rajasekhar,
As far as my knowledge goes, I don't think multiple built-on applications concept is meant for inheriting structure from two different frameworks into a single class. It is only meant for having classes that inherit from one framework and another class inheriting from a different framework working in the same application layer.
I believe you can add pattern inheritance to one class and direct inheritance to another class. But I guess, there is no way to have two direct inheritances from a class.
Even though you have multiple built-on applications, in run time the stack is made linear, so you can try adding one class in pattern inheritance and the other as a direct inheritance.
I have created a sample application with OBFS and AES as built on applications. Now I created a new class in sample application which is pattern inherited from PegaOBFS-Work and direct inherited from PegaAES-Work-Action. Please find the screenshot which shows the inheritance of the sample class created.
Please share your thoughts.
Hope this helps.

Thanks for the response.
Trying to understand
- the business use case for multiple built-on application.
- What are the point should be considered while designing the class structure in new application.
- In Pega Product, are we using multiple built-on application.

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Rajasekhar,
Please find my answers below,
> Let's say you want some features from Application A and some other features from Application B, you'll have to use the multiple built-on applications.
> You have to consider what this class features are and what should it do, based on these two parameters you can define the directed parent of your class. Coming to customizations you need and the new properties you need, it varies from case to case.
> In base PEGA product, you'll not see any multiple built-on applicaitons. But, some PRPC frameworks you may find them as multiple built-on applications.
Hope this helps.

Thanks Ravi.
Multiple built-on applications concept is not meant for inheriting structure from two different frameworks into a single class. It is only meant for having classes that inherit from one framework and another class inheriting from a different framework working in the same application layer. Do anyone disagree with this?
If you have information, please share the class structure of PRPC frameworks uses multiple built-on applications.

Cognizant Technology Solutions B.V.
Hi Rajasekhar,
I agree with you on this and I have similar question...
From my understanding, Traditionally/Ideally, an Implementation Application is a specialization of 1 Framework.
Hence, if you want to create an Implementation Application based on 2 Frameworks, is it a good idea to first create an "Adaptor" Framework Application that is built on both these Frameworks. Then build your Implementation Application on top of this "Adaptor" Framework.
I am interested on more thoughts and views on this topic.
Regards, Praveen

Trying to understand
- the business use case for multiple built-on application.
- What are the point should be considered while designing the class structure in new application.
- In Pega Product, are we using multiple built-on application.

Thanks Ravi.
Multiple built-on applications concept is not meant for inheriting structure from two different frameworks into a single class. It is only meant for having classes that inherit from one framework and another class inheriting from a different framework working in the same application layer. Do anyone disagree with this?
If you have information, please share the class structure of PRPC frameworks uses multiple built-on applications.

Multiple built-on applications concept is not meant for inheriting structure from two different frameworks into a single class. It is only meant for having classes that inherit from one framework and another class inheriting from a different framework working in the same application layer. Do anyone disagree with this?
If you have information, please share the class structure of PRPC frameworks uses multiple built-on applications.

Multiple built-on applications concept is not meant for inheriting structure from two different frameworks into a single class. It is only meant for having classes that inherit from one framework and another class inheriting from a different framework working in the same application layer. Do anyone disagree with this?
If you have information, please share the class structure of PRPC frameworks uses multiple built-on applications.

Multiple built-on applications concept is not meant for inheriting structure from two different frameworks into a single class. It is only meant for having classes that inherit from one framework and another class inheriting from a different framework working in the same application layer. Do anyone disagree with this?
If you have information, please share the class structure of PRPC frameworks uses multiple built-on applications.

Multiple built-on applications concept is not meant for inheriting structure from two different frameworks into a single class. It is only meant for having classes that inherit from one framework and another class inheriting from a different framework working in the same application layer. Do anyone disagree with this?
If you have information, please share the class structure of PRPC frameworks uses multiple built-on applications.

Multiple built-on applications concept is not meant for inheriting structure from two different frameworks into a single class. It is only meant for having classes that inherit from one framework and another class inheriting from a different framework working in the same application layer. Do anyone disagree with this?
If you have information, please share the class structure of PRPC frameworks uses multiple built-on applications.

Multiple built-on applications concept is not meant for inheriting structure from two different frameworks into a single class. It is only meant for having classes that inherit from one framework and another class inheriting from a different framework working in the same application layer. Do anyone disagree with this?
If you have information, please share the class structure of PRPC frameworks uses multiple built-on applications.

Multiple built-on applications concept is not meant for inheriting structure from two different frameworks into a single class. It is only meant for having classes that inherit from one framework and another class inheriting from a different framework working in the same application layer. Do anyone disagree with this?
If you have information, please share the class structure of PRPC frameworks uses multiple built-on applications.

Multiple built-on applications concept is not meant for inheriting structure from two different frameworks into a single class. It is only meant for having classes that inherit from one framework and another class inheriting from a different framework working in the same application layer. Do anyone disagree with this?
If you have information, please share the class structure of PRPC frameworks uses multiple built-on applications.

Multiple built-on applications concept is not meant for inheriting structure from two different frameworks into a single class. It is only meant for having classes that inherit from one framework and another class inheriting from a different framework working in the same application layer. Do anyone disagree with this?
If you have information, please share the class structure of PRPC frameworks uses multiple built-on applications.

Multiple built-on applications concept is not meant for inheriting structure from two different frameworks into a single class. It is only meant for having classes that inherit from one framework and another class inheriting from a different framework working in the same application layer. Do anyone disagree with this?
If you have information, please share the class structure of PRPC frameworks uses multiple built-on applications.

SiXworks Limited
This is mainly the choice of the LSA designing the application structure. It all really does depend on what you need...
As mentioned above, the ruleset stack is linear at run-time so one Framework will always take priority over another within a single rule in a class. If you built your application on multiple frameworks, it is possible that a class may have associated rules in different rule-sets, and so the combination of frameworks would meet your requirements.
I.e. Rule 1 could be @baseclass, in ruleset Framework1:01-01-01, and Rule 2 could be @baseclass, in ruleset Framework2:01-01-01.
Of course, you also have Components which could do some overriding of their own.

Thanks Benjamin.......
Do agree with you that the ruleset stack is linear at run-time so one Framework will always take priority over another within a single rule in a class.
Do you ever implemented Multiple built-on application? If yes, please explain the scenario.

SiXworks Limited
No, I haven't used multiple built-on applications I'm afraid. I've primarily worked with Pega 7.1 which did not have the option to configure multiple built-on applications.


Do anyone implemented Multiple built-on application? If yes, please explain the scenario.
Thanks in Advance..............

Do anyone implemented Multiple built-on application? If yes, please explain the scenario.
Thanks in Advance..............

NJ Courts
We have not yet implemented MBO but below is a scenario that would like to use MBO for.
1. Right now we have app 1 and app 2 which are completely independent of each other with unique rulesets.
We have a bunch of hybrid users who want to access both App 1 and app2 without having to switch applications. so we are planning to create a wrapper application with built on multiple application i.e. app 1 and app2.

Thanks Pradeep. In your scenario, You can also use Federated Case Management.
I am looking for anyone implemented MBO as the only option from business Objective.