
Sunlife financial
Last activity: 2 Dec 2021 5:35 EST
My RPA bot unable to pick cases from workqueue
It keeps checking for work. It shows this in log files :
RoboticsApiHelper.GetNextWorkItem - Robot checking for work.
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Jayaraman Balasubramanian -
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Pegasystems Inc.
@AshKS It appears as though this bot is creating cases. Do you have a RobotActivity in this solution that you are calling from your case?
They way this typically works is that your case has a step invoking a robot with a field labelled "Run Robotic automation" where you specify a string that would match the string in your RobotActivity component in your automation. That component would also be connected to the case via the class name property.
Updated: 30 Nov 2021 4:08 EST

Sunlife financial
Thanks @ThomasSasnett . Yes robot activity is there in the solution. And the label "Run Robotic Automation" string is used in the this robot activity label named "Activity Name". Does "decision table" also has any role in this?

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi @AshKS , I can see in your doc that the WQ is the same for the first assignment (FirstWQ) and for the robotic assignment (FirstWQ). Is this the case or you have the same name with different IDs?
Can you see the bot connected to the WG-WQ in Robot Manager console?

Sunlife financial
@Angel Hermira yes it is connected you can see in screenshots attached.

Pegasystems Inc.
@AshKS the bot is in "Stand by" did you start it? The Work queues are also in "Stopped" state. Did you start these?. If so, do you have runtime logs?

Sunlife financial
@Angel Hermira yes I started both and runtime logs are same as attached above.

Pegasystems Inc.
@AshKS, looks like there is a misconfiguration in the Platform-RM side. The bot is calling for work but it is not able to get any back. Check the Operator being used and confirm that the default access group is set to the one that you want to use (If the operator has multiple and the default it is set to anything different will use that one and won't get any work). If the AG it is correct, check the roles associated to that AG to ensure that has access to process work.

Sunlife financial
@AngelHermira This is audit report it somehow not going to next stage insted going to broken process.

Pegasystems Inc.
@AshKS , sorry, I don't understand. Is the work being processed now but instead of completed successfully the outcome is an error?