
Morgan Stanley
Last activity: 1 Aug 2019 11:26 EDT
MutliSelect control displaying nothing
Tried configuring Mulitselect control on pagelist property sourced via D_Page but rendering nothing.
So to verify how UI its working on UU gallery used UI gallery referred section (pxUIGalleryMultiSelectWrapper/pxUIGalleryMultiSelect) in my section and attempted to display it. But nothing rendered on to screen. Please advise where am i missing
***Edited by Moderator: Lochan to tag SR***
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Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Sasidhar,
Please check the following configuration in the section:
General Tab:
1.Control: Multiselect and refer your property
2.ListSource: Type;Data Page
Data Page:Refer your data page(If parametrised one pass the parameter)
3.Search Results Configuration:
Set the data source property which you want to use and set the property on which value you want to search
If needed set max and min results to display and check the Highlight match if necessary
Presentation Tab:
1.Edit Options: Editable
2.Specify size:Auto
The above configuration helped me.Please find the attachment for configuration and results(in UI)

Morgan Stanley
Thanku Velu for reply.
if I display multi select from a brand new section its working. Where as failing, when attempting to include control or embed section in existing section. And ours is upgraded from 7.3.1 to 8.1.1 recently.

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Sashi,
Try to revlaidate and save the section , check if it helps.
Also Make sure that the application is HTML5 ready.

Pegasystems Inc.
When you embed the control or section in existing section, can you render the UI and check whether the multiselect source Datapage holds the results

Morgan Stanley
By SR learned that for time being muli select works only with template forms. And our use case was to show in grid master detail, which falls under non-template.

Pegasystems Inc.
Thank you for the update. Please let us know the SR number here so that we may tag it in this post.

Morgan Stanley

Pegasystems Inc.
Thank you!