Allianz Technology SE
Last activity: 6 May 2020 11:14 EDT
Missing activity steps after 8.3 migration
oHi all,
so for testing purposes we migrated our onpremise 7.2.2 Pega environment via Pega Upgrade Wizard to 8.3. We use it in a cloud environment (Openshift) with Tomcat (9.0.31). So the Oracle DB is on premise (Oracle JDBC driver Proprietary information hidden.0), the rest is in the cloud / containerized.
When I try to open any activity (no matter if OOTB or custom activities) I cannot see the activity steps. All I can see is the following:
So as you can see there are only two tabs. Activity steps are missing.
Am I missing something? Is there anything which I have not considered ?
Many thanks in advance.
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Allianz Technology SE
Also I have to mention that in the logs there are no indicators why this misbehaviour is happening.
Pegasystems Inc.
Is it only with a specific user? How about if you try with an OOTB operator.
Allianz Technology SE
Tried with my UserID as well as with the Operator [email protected]. Same behaviour.
Pegasystems Inc.
I guess you already tried a clean restart of your environment right.
Allianz Technology SE
By clean restart you mean removing extract marker file and restarting the server?
Yes I did.
Allianz Technology SE
This happens for several record types, for example when opening a service package it´s a similar behaviour, so the tabs look exactly as in my screenshot. For example for Connect SOAP instances it doesn´t happen, the tabs look proper in that case.
Updated: 6 May 2020 4:51 EDT
Allianz Technology SE
Logged in as [email protected] I traced all rulesets while opening any corrupt record and I noticed that in several spots (mainly activity steps / when rules) "Access denied" popped up, for example like this:
Could it be that I need to manually delete / update some DB records in order to have all access as an administrator? Because opening security related records is also not showing up properly so the last resort would be the DB I guess?
Allianz Technology SE
I think here I´m on the wrong path since in a working environment with Pega 7.1.9 this also pops up, but records like activities work fine.
Updated: 6 May 2020 11:14 EDT
Allianz Technology SE
We found a solution here: