
Sopra Steria Group
Last activity: 29 Aug 2019 5:33 EDT
Mailjet Connector for Pega Marketing - Outcome mapping of received events
Hi all,
We have installed the mailjet connector(v2) on our dev environment(v8) and we are using it to send emails from Pega Marketing through campaigns. We were expecting that the type of events sent back by mailjet event api for exemple : sent, open, click, etc.. would be mapped as they are sent to the Outcome property of the interaction history table. But in fact severals of them are mapped to “delivered” losing in the process some valuable informations for our client.
Is there some project where this connector was configured differently from the default configuration to reflect every type of mailjet’s event ?
Or else if it wasn’t previously done, the question for us then is what impacts might have those customizations on Pega Marketing ?
Thanks in advance.
***Moderator Edit-Vidyaranjan: Updated SR details***