
Last activity: 27 Nov 2022 13:57 EST
Pega AEM connector with AEM Marketing
Hi Team,
I am getting issues with Pega connectivity with AEM. Here I am able to connect to AEM Server and while validating repository - All other API such as List,New Folder,New File are working fine but GetFile to retrieve the file content is not working and throwing the error -
- Description
Tests retrieving the contents of a sample file.
pyContents was but expected SGVsbG8sIHdvcmxkIQ==
while I am seeing the returned results from GetFile Connect REST that seems to be corrupted. Could you please help me out to sort this GetFile API issue please ?
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Piyush Tiwari -
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Pegasystems Inc.
@GAURAVTYAGI - If test connection is success that should be ok. You can ignore validate repository status.

Pegasystems Inc.
@GAURAVTYAGI - To test the Get connection, launch CDH portal and navigate to Content -> Content Library. You should see the assets from AEM in that Landing page.
Gaurav Kumar Tyagi

@HarishReddyKantaReddy Thanks Harish, I was looking whether we can use this AEM outside of CDH with inbuilt Pega AEM connector or does that needs creation of new getFile Implementation please ?

Pegasystems Inc.
@GAURAVTYAGI - GetFile implementation is there in AEM component. You can use AEM outside of CDH also. If you using AEM outside of CDH you need to build the UI for showing the assets.
Look at GetFile connect service rule in AEM component.

Pegasystems Inc.
@GAURAVTYAGI , can I ask why you are looking to use AEM outside of CDH? While It is technically true that is can be used outside, it was not built for that purpose and is unlikely to be supported in that manner. What use case is driving you down this path?

@Saleem_A , We are doing a POC to extend use of AEM to our other applications. We are looking if we can use AEM as content management system and make use of its Seamless UI (to replace our content repository and viewer).I believe, Adobe experience manager does not put any restriction usage on repository. Please let me know your opinion on this please and how can we proceed further. Thanks!

Pegasystems Inc.
@GAURAVTYAGI , I can't really comment until I understand the use cases of the other applications. Please describe what they do and how this may or may not be related to CDH use cases.

@Saleem_A ,we have requirement to check possibility of this repository on a credit card case application for colleague to upload and view documents from the user. They in future would also like to provide links to user so that they can directly upload to AEM repository.

Pegasystems Inc.
@GAURAVTYAGI , I think you are trying to use AEM as a general purpose document management repository. AEM is not really build for that, so I would double check with an Adobe expert. Pega Platform has other connectors for managing document as part of case management applications, including attaching the documents directly within Pega. I'd explore those areas, but this is not my area of expertise.

Has anyone implemented 1 to 1 operation manager with Adobe Experience manager ? I am interested if we are able to select an image from AEM .
Thank you in advance

@GabrielAnghelCDH/AEM connector can show the AEM repository in CDH portal similar to File explorer ;yes,we can select an image from AEM in CDH portal.
Gabriel Anghel