
Tata Consulting Services Ltd.
Last activity: 25 Jun 2021 4:33 EDT
Kafka AVRO
Hi Team,
We have requirement like case creation through Kafka, here our case creation request in AVRO format and as per our PDN artical , Pega is not going support in production if we do Kafka AVRO serialization by using GitHub. Below is the article summary. We are using Pega 8.5.2 version. We need to understand Pega is going to support if we do in AVRO serialization by using GITHub in production environment.
The AVRO out of the box support is challenging, as every single customer uses it in a different way. This component has been tested on 8.2.x and sanity checked on 8.3 and it is not supported by Pega in production by GCS now. Component will not be released via Marketplace primary due to a very long time it takes to publish and keep the component up to date. All the new versions and fixes will be delivered via GitHub. Tentatively, there is a plan to add native platform Avro support in 8.6 or higher version.
If we do customization Pega is not going support in production?
***Edited by Moderator: Pooja Gadige to add platform capability tag***