Issues in uploading file to UNIX file system - No extension point in Pega OOTB attachments
We have a requirement to send Pega work object attachment to Unix file system and client do not want to use OOTB CMIS . We are trying to implement this using Pega OOTB attachments to achieve this to leverage drag and drop features.
We tried to write attachment (pyNewFileAttachment page available in Work-.AttachFile Activity) to file system using a connect file (write from attachment) and we were able to create file on Unix server ( file repository location mounted on our Pega server) later we cleared the stream from pyNewFileAttachment and this saves an empty file in Pega attachments.
Note: For download/delete activities to read and download file from Unix file system we customized OOTB activities from Work- class and are working fine.
We have a requirement to send Pega work object attachment to Unix file system and client do not want to use OOTB CMIS . We are trying to implement this using Pega OOTB attachments to achieve this to leverage drag and drop features.
We tried to write attachment (pyNewFileAttachment page available in Work-.AttachFile Activity) to file system using a connect file (write from attachment) and we were able to create file on Unix server ( file repository location mounted on our Pega server) later we cleared the stream from pyNewFileAttachment and this saves an empty file in Pega attachments.
Note: For download/delete activities to read and download file from Unix file system we customized OOTB activities from Work- class and are working fine.
Our question/issue is , We do not have any extension point in Pega OOTB activities to call the connect file activity we developed. Call VirusCheck is the only activity which can be customized and is not a Final activity in Pega OOTB attachments.
Is it a good idea to customize VirusCheck to call a connect-file activity? Please let us know your thoughts on how to invoke our connect-file activity