
Last activity: 6 Nov 2017 15:57 EST
Issue with MSOGenerateexcel file OOTB
I am using MSOGenerate excel activity to generate the xls.. We implemented it in 7.2.2 and worked fine.. Now we have moved the code to 7.3 ang getting below issue in logs
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: [ERR 0292] The TransformerFactory does not recognise attribute.
** Problem invoking function: pega_appdefinition_excelintegation.DCOdocumentToBytes--(Document), [ERR 0292] The TransformerFactory does not recognise attribute 'http://javax.xml.XMLConstants/property/accessExternalDTD'. |
As a solution we upgraded java to latest version but still the issue exists.. any solutions or suggestions?? Regards, Dhulappa |