
Posted: Nov 27, 2017
Last activity: Apr 6, 2018
Last activity: 6 Apr 2018 19:26 EDT
Issue in upgrade estimator tool
HI Subbu/Chinmayee and Team,
We have downloaded upgrade estimator jar from upgrade exchange centre and imported jar of PRPC 6.2 SP1 to our application. I have executed upgrade estimator by clicking Calculate Efforts , however while running it was showing "scanning in progress" for almost 1 hour. We kept on clicking the Refresh button as guided in provided deployment document. After that we got UI error showing JSP exception for D_PortalInfo in Data-Portal class.
While looking into the logs we have seen the logs saying that the Estimation of current applicaion is completed however we have investigated and found following DSS created.
Application/RuleSet Total count as 9810
Application/RuleSet In Progresscount as 6710
Post this, we have queried on database table EffortEstimates and found the record count as 3520.
We have also analysed the name of activity which is called on click of Generate Excel sheet and executed it and dowloaded the estimation sheet for our applicaion. It has the same number of records as 3520.
We are not sure whether the upgrade estimator tool has scanned all the rules, since we have not seen any indication on screen for completion.
Could you please confirm and advise the next steps to do.
Many thanks
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