
Future Proof AI
Last activity: 12 Jun 2022 3:21 EDT
IH Summaries. How do they work on strategy canvas?
Could someone point me in the right direction and help me to understand how these IH summaries work on the strategy canvas?
I have a requirement where I have to define an engagement policy for an action ( eligibility) based on their interaction with another action. For example a customer who received an email and did not open it after 14 days is eligible for the second follow-up email. In order to achieve this I have created a strategy to determine whether a customer has interacted with an action before ( eg customer received the email but did not opened it).
The strategy was created on the Data-Customer Class and then I have tried to import an interaction history summary.When I unit test the IH summaries shape has not result and the strategy is not working. I have run the data set and I can see the result however on the canvas the shape has no decision. When I switch to regular IH history shape then the strategy works.
I have been advised by my team to not use IH history shape due to performance issues however I am not successful to have the strategy return result with the IH summary.
Could you advise please if I miss anything or do I need to do something else in order to get results in the IH summary shape?
Thanks in advance ,