Last activity: 27 Mar 2016 4:05 EDT
IAC On Load - Starting New Flow
our requirement is : While Opening IAC - we will pass work object ID or Key, When loading IAC, it should start from the begining of the flow everytime. How we can achieve that?
We tried using Open Assignment, which is opening that current assignment only.
We tried using Open Harness also. and iin PreActivity we are StartFlow Activity and tried.
Is there any way to proceed, using any IAC options?
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Updated: 16 Mar 2016 8:02 EDT
Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Padmanabhan,
You can use openWorkByURL and specify a custom starting activity.
<div id="PegaContent" style="overflow:auto;"
PegaA_params = "{UserIdentifier:'IACUser', WorkObjectID:'<id>'}"
The activity you specify in PegaA_query should define parameters you can send via PegaA_param.
If you can get an activity working simply by testing in the developer portal with activity "Run" from within the activity rule form then you can call it from the IAC gadget.
Do you need help with the activity as well? What version of PRPC are you on?
Hi Chris,
Thank you very much.
We are using Pega 6.2 Version. In Activity if I am using startFlow will it restart the flow from begining? Can you please help me in the activity as well?
Pegasystems Inc.
Calling startFlow will just start a new flow and create you a new assignment(s) etc. Since you already have assignments that not a good idea.
We really need to make part of this processing a screen flow. Then you can use differed commit which will only save user entered data until after the screen flow is finished making restarting much simpler. The IAC gadget call can then just be openAssignment providing an assignment key that will be the start of the screen flow. (Assuming you will never send a user to a case that is already completed)
I will test this with a screen flow today or tomorrow. With out using a screen flow this is going to open a can of worms regarding what to do with data users entered when progressing the flow the first/second etc times.
In Our Application also, we are also using screen flow only which, we are calling from main flow.
Whenever user is opening the IAC screen, that corresponding work object need to start from Beginning of the screen flow, earlier wherever user had stopped.
Pegasystems Inc.
We didn't try this option Chris. But User might be Editing and Stopping eiditing in the middle and Later sometime he might open and edit it.
Pegasystems Inc.
So you need to restart the screen flow if they don't finish it but save the work they have already done, if any, in the screen flow?
Hi Chris,
Thank you very much.
We are able to proceed now, with the approach you mentioned. But how to restart the screen flow, using any activity? yes, we need to save the work if its in middle.