
Last activity: 12 Aug 2019 1:54 EDT
how to " Transfer information to new case"
Dear all, I can not find the check box for tranfering data to a new case. The exersice says the following: "In the contextual properties panel for the Create Benefits Enrollment case, click the Transfer information to new case check box to display the Transfer information dialog."
However I do not see that option. I tried adding a new case via " +Step---> more--> utilities --> create case. Yet I do not see the option to tranfer data. Please see the screen shot.
Can anyone help me please.
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Aligned Automation
I'm stuck here as well.

"Transfer information to new case check box" also not visible in my case

S&P Global
I am too facing the same problem.

Pegasystems Inc.
Ver. 7.3
You may have this in Pega Express ( not in Designer Studio)

Verizon Wireless
I experienced the same problem. I could not see the "Transfer information to new case" check box when I added "Child Case" step from Designer Studio. However, I see the check box if I add the step from Pega Express. Hope this helps.

Starbucks Coffee Company
I am stuck here too, seems can only use the express mode to recreate the step of "Create Benefits Enrollment case" again, then can find the checkbox of "Transfer information to new case"
Pegasystems Inc.
Are you referring to SAE 7.2? Which lesson?
Cloe Walker

Sky Solutions
I'm stuck on the same issue... I think the problem is that I'm using the Pega 8.1 platform to recreate/create the HRApps Onboarding case. In the 7.4 Exercise Guide, page 60-64 (pdf page 65-66) it asks that you select the "Create a Benefits Enrollment" dependency case step > then select the "Transfer Information to New Case" checkbox to configure passing "Employee" data to the child Benefits Enrollment case. This is supposed to open a diaologue box that allows you to carry over the Employee data into the Benefits child case.
However, this checkbox/option is not available in the Contextual Properties panel of the 8.1 platform (in either the Dev or App studio). I want to complete the assignment in the exercise guide, but I really can't seem to figure out how to recreate this step in the new version.
Any guidance will be greatly appreciated.

You can use either Transfer information to new case - In context menu in Pega Express or Data progagation option in Setting tab in Designer studio to send data to child case.
If you dont see these options, then goto Deisgner studio > Case Explorer > right click on parent case > click on Add child case and follow the instructions and create a child case.
Now go back to parent and to setting menu, you should be able to see data propogation option listed. Now you can also see Transfer information to new case check box in Pega Express.