How to run pega scenario test suites from pega deployment manager
I try to run pega scenario test suites from pega deployment manager, but it shows the error like
"Unable to open an instance using the given inputs: pxObjClass = \"Rule-Test-Suite\", pyClassName = \"RULE-TEST-SUITE\", pyPurpose = \"TS_PORTALSAMPLETEST\"",
Does pega deployment manger support to run scenario test suites?
== Detail ==
I create a scenario test suite which inskey is "RULE-TEST-SUITE!TS_PORTALSAMPLETEST",
And the detail configurations are following
Then I add a "Run Pega unit tests" job in deployment manager and try to call that scenario test suite.
But it seems that job only support to run which class is "Rule-Test-Suite", not the scenatio test caeses.
Do you have any other solution to run scenario test cases from deployment manager?
***Edited by Moderator: Lochan to update platform capability tags***