
Last activity: 24 Jan 2020 14:41 EST
Is Deployment manager able to launch Pega Scenario Test suite ?
We would like to know if deployment manager 4.5 or above is able to launch "Pega Scenario Test suite".
We have launched Pega Unit test suite with success but we couldn't find a way to launch "Pega scenario tests suite".
It seems that the Task "Run Pega scenario tests" on the deployment manager product is "only" able to connect with Selenium(standalone), CrossbrowserTesting, Sauce labs and/or BrowserStack. It seems a little odd not be able to with native feature.
- Could you confirm this please ?
- If Deployment Manager can't for now, is there a way launching them from Pega API ? I could'nt reach the information
Best regards
***Edited by Moderator: Lochan to add SR tag***