
Hopkins Software Pvt. Ltd.
Last activity: 29 Apr 2023 1:31 EDT
How to Route the assignment after completion of all assignment shapes
Hi Everyone,
My requirements is shows work objects ID in a table login as worklist operator after completion of all assignment of Representative(no more assignments for worklist operator). Then routed to doctor . But doctor don't have assignments. Simply the work id visible in a table like 2nd image. If we click on Work ID the assignmentvisible like 2nd image. Check Below Images
After representative complete all Assignments Image Like this Then I was login as doctor. Doctors Portal Shows like below image. Assignment ID Appears like below
Then Click on APOLOMRN-9003 it will appears like below
Any one help me how to do this?
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Bits in Glass
@NagarjunaS16644648 you mean, once user completes all the assignments in his worklist, those assignments should not be in his worklist?

Hopkins Software Pvt. Ltd.
@Anoop Krishna Once user complete all the assignments then routed to the doctor

Bits in Glass
@Nagarjuna Saidu Okay, so routing part is working fine, you just need the header. Using live UI open the Case Area header and try to refer case ID to the header. I think the section is CaseHeader.
Updated: 28 Apr 2023 5:13 EDT

Hopkins Software Pvt. Ltd.
@Anoop Krishna I am understand what your said. My Requirements is representative complete all the assignments. No more assignments shapes after completing of representative. But I need to route the assignment details to doctors. Those details visible like after login as doctor
When we clicking on require ID those details are visible like

Bits in Glass
@Nagarjuna Saidu okay got it. In the flow add one assignment shape and route it to Doctor. The case will be routed to doctor after representative completes his assignment. Create Flow action and section required for this assignment, set work status in assignment shape.

Hopkins Software Pvt. Ltd.
@Anoop Krishna But No more assignments after representative completes his assignment. That's why I'm stressed look at the above two images(Last Replay).

Bits in Glass
@NagarjunaS16644648 okay, you need an assignment to route the case and a task to doctor once representative completes his work. Doctor also should see same content whatever representative sees?

Bits in Glass
@Nagarjuna Saidu Or if you are looking for transfering the case to doctor, then in the post flow action of the representative assignment call pxTransferAssignment. Check bottom most of the below URL.
Nagarjuna Saidu
Updated: 28 Apr 2023 7:56 EDT

Hopkins Software Pvt. Ltd.
@Anoop Krishna I want routed all work objects after representative complete all assignments. I was tried Reassign Activity according to your shared URL and also tried ToworkList Activity and another activity to set property pyUserIdentifier="mydoctorOpID".
But no use. Those details not visible required table. Any visibility setting for all completed assignment in a table.
If I apply route before last assignments those records are visible. Please give me a suggestion according to this

Bits in Glass
@NagarjunaS16644648 can you elaborate your requirement?
Is your routing, a requirement with respect to case type or it's with respect to bulk transfer?
Nagarjuna Saidu
Updated: 29 Apr 2023 0:36 EDT

Hopkins Software Pvt. Ltd.
@Anoop Krishna My requirement is routing. If the representative complete all assignments (screens) then routed to the doctor(doctor don't have assignments to work)
But those records are not visible in required table after login as doctor

Bits in Glass
@Nagarjuna Saidu To route a case and allow doctor to work on a task, assignment should be there. ToWorkList activity should be used in assignment shape where assignment will be routed to the doctor. Here you are trying to route it to doctor, but there are no assignments for doctor to work. Doctor needs a task to work upon, which is the assignment shape. When you login as doctor, in the worklist the tasks/assignments assigned to him are being displayed. Without assignment shape, doctor will not have tasks in his worklist.
Nagarjuna Saidu