Tech Mahindra
Last activity: 15 Feb 2017 18:08 EST
How to refer a property inside a pagelist in a section. It is not accepting < CURRENT >
I am building a section(DisplayEnrollment) which has properties from embedded pagelist inside the current pagelist(EnrollmentInfo) as well as few properties from the current pagelist.
I have created a data class with the structure of the current pagelist and also have embbeded data classes with those of embedded pagelist structure.(Addresses Data class is under EnrollmentInfo Data Class which houses the properties as street no, address line 1).
In DisplayEnrollment section I need to refer to the AddressLine1 and Streetno. In the property field of the DisplayEnrollment if I use.(.Addresses(1).AddressLine1) and similar, it works but if I use (.Addresses(<CURRENT>).AddressLine1) it does not work. Can we use some other keyword in place of the hardcoded index or is there some other approach that I can use.
Thanks and Regards,