
StaidLogic LLC
Last activity: 19 Apr 2019 15:20 EDT
How to refer a Pagelist using dynamic index in a Flow action or in referring a section
I have a Pagelist with structure like - MainPage.PageList().
I am trying to Refer this Pagelist using MainPage.PageList(Param.Index)/MainPage.PageList(pyWorkPage.Index) from pyWorkPage section, but the section or flowaction is not loading cause the index is not getting set dynamically at run time. When i tried to use this Pagelist as MainPage.PageList(1) with static index, then it works and then section/flowaction is loading properly.
The Param.Index/pyWorkPage.Index is already set using the Pre-Activity of the flow action or the section and it has a value.
Can anyone please help on how to refer the Index dyanmically?