How to perform subcases inside the parent case frame?
Recently we got a requirement which needs to perform all the sub cases' step in the parent case screen with mashup(IAC)
The data for the sub-cases and parent case is quite independent, so there is no data integrity issue in between. however there is no way to put cases in a parent-children display.
We looked at the PEPGA Dynamic Container with Legacy Tab layout, it was able display multiple documents as tabs in the same portal as iframe/thread. but iframe was not support nested and IAC not support multiple iFrames as well.
Does anyone know if there is other way in PEGA to support parent-child in a single frame? Otherwise does anyone know how to make the Mashup/IAC support Multiple Documents(tabs)
(I tried to use openWorkByUrl in mashup to open the portal, but didn't find the way to open the WorkItem together in mashup)
***Moderator Edit-Vidyaranjan: Updated Platform Capability***