Last activity: 14 Aug 2017 7:55 EDT
How to open attached EML format in outlook when retrieving from Filenet instead of viewing it in snowbound
I am trying to retrieve the EML format file from filenet and to open it in outlook.
Snowbound is the default viewer to view all type of images. But I need to open EML file alone in outlook instead of snowbound viewer. I have tried below code to implement but its not working. Can someone suggest the solution please?
function openDocumentImage(strInsName,strFileType){
var oSafeURL = new SafeURL("LBG-FW-WFI-.DisplayEMLDoc");
oSafeURL.put("docID",strInsName)};, 'popup','');}
And also in DisplayEMLDoc I am just calling the service activity to retrieve image from filenet.
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