how to move Purge and archive to the next environment?
how to move Purge and archive to the next higher environment? Where it is saved?
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how to move Purge and archive to the next higher environment? Where it is saved?
Hello Shubham,
Purging can be done using the below steps first configure what work types you want to purge and next schedule it.
Phase 1: Configure the activity — Define the dataset that will be purged/archived. The dataset comprises a work pool in your application, and a set of work types (classes), folders, and covers within the work pool. The dataset is also qualified by the age of resolved work items to be purged/archived. Each configuration is an instance in class Data-Admin-ArchiveSettings.
Phase 2: Schedule the activity — For each cycle you specify:
Hello Shubham,
Purging can be done using the below steps first configure what work types you want to purge and next schedule it.
Phase 1: Configure the activity — Define the dataset that will be purged/archived. The dataset comprises a work pool in your application, and a set of work types (classes), folders, and covers within the work pool. The dataset is also qualified by the age of resolved work items to be purged/archived. Each configuration is an instance in class Data-Admin-ArchiveSettings.
Phase 2: Schedule the activity — For each cycle you specify:
At the defined cycle start time, the purge/archive agent first populates an archive .zip file with the work items and their data as defined in Step 1. The agent then deletes the table data. Although the work items are purge/archived, the work item ID is left unchanged, to allow restoration or archived wok items without affecting current work items.
About the Zip File:
The .zip files created by the wizard uses the following naming convention:
<workpool name_dataset name_ file creation date_run n >
for example:
The .zip files are stored in the Pega Platform system temporary directory configured for your installation.
Before you use the Purge/Archive Wizard, do the following:
Indexes created for work items are deleted but not archived. The indexes are recreated when the work items are recovered from the archive. For example, work party indexes (table pc_index_workparty
) are purged but not archived. When the work item is recovered, the work party index is recreated.
Using the Wizards:
Two wizards comprise the Purge/Archive wizard:
Configuration - select this tab when you are:
Schedule process - select this tab when you are:
Restoring the archived work items:
To retrieve archived work items in your archive system, select Designer Studio > Application > Distribution > Import and select or upload the zip file containing the archived work objects. See About the .zip file for more details.
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