
Last activity: 15 Nov 2024 0:22 EST
How to launch harness in new tab in Pega UI-KIT
How to launch harness in new tab from on click action in Pega UI-KIT
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Maantic Inc
Use 'Open URL in window' in the action set.

Maantic Inc
Override pyPortalContent section under Data-Portal class. Then update the layout to Tab Group and style format as 'Temporary top tabs'. Its not recommended as its deprecated.

Eclatprime Digital Private Limited
Use Launch Harness action in actions menu
Refer the below solution for CPMInteractionPortalWorkArea, It may useful for you
Launch Harness - New Document not behaving as expected
In Customer Process Manager(CPM) 7.1.4 , configuring 'Launch harness' with a "New Document" option, a new tab does not get created on the portal at runtime.
Error Messages
Not Applicable.
Steps to Reproduce
1. Add a new menu item under the "Operator" name. 2. Configure menu item to "Open a new harness" in a "New document".
Root Cause
For a harness to open in a new tab, the underlying layout should be tabbed. Out of the Box (OOTB) , CPMInteractionPortalWorkArea is not configured with a tabbed layout.
Use Launch Harness action in actions menu
Refer the below solution for CPMInteractionPortalWorkArea, It may useful for you
Launch Harness - New Document not behaving as expected
In Customer Process Manager(CPM) 7.1.4 , configuring 'Launch harness' with a "New Document" option, a new tab does not get created on the portal at runtime.
Error Messages
Not Applicable.
Steps to Reproduce
1. Add a new menu item under the "Operator" name. 2. Configure menu item to "Open a new harness" in a "New document".
Root Cause
For a harness to open in a new tab, the underlying layout should be tabbed. Out of the Box (OOTB) , CPMInteractionPortalWorkArea is not configured with a tabbed layout.
CPMInteractionPortalWorkArea has been configured tabless, after careful consideration of various other CPM requirements. So the reported behavior is expected Out-of-the-box (OOTB). As a local-change: 1. Add the menu item to the left navigation panel and model the custom harness like the other OOTB Harness like for example, PMPegaPulse. 2. Ensure that the section containing the menu items (CPMDasboardIncludes) is also part of the harness.

Eclatprime Digital Private Limited
Did you follow the steps I gave in my previous reply?
If so, what was the result?
Please reply to me.

@Koti Raja , tabbed layout is deprecated i think.

Eclatprime Digital Private Limited