
Instellars Global Pvt Ltd
Last activity: 2 May 2016 12:18 EDT
How to Expand/Collapse using a Action Button in Repeat Grid with Action as Master Detail with Flow Action
Hi All,
I have a requirement to have a button in Action Button area in repeat grid which configured as Operation as Master Details with Flow Action and Show Expand/Collapse icon for each row, And Action button should able to collapse/expand all the rows in grid. can you please let us know if there is any way.
Sheshank Saini.
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Accepted Solution
Updated: 2 May 2016 6:44 EDT

Embedded pane edit mode is used to display flow action for one row at a time.
Multiple row expansion is possible only using Expand pane edit mode.

Configure the button to Run Activity / Data Transform followed by Refresh section.
In the Activity / DT, just set pyExpanded property to true for all the pages in the pagelist property. This makes the grid rows to render as expanded post refresh.

Instellars Global Pvt Ltd
Hi Sathish,
I have tried that but what is happening is only Icons are expanding in grid list but flow action is not getting shown as embedded pane for each row in list. can you please suggest any thing on that?
Sheshank Saini

A small hunch: Are you refreshing the section?

Instellars Global Pvt Ltd
On Button:
Action 1 : Called a Data Transform to set the pyExpanded true/flase.
Action 2: Called 'Refresh list' OOTB one.

Where is this button placed in UI ? Refresh list action works only within the purview of grid, so it has to be placed either in action Top / action bottom of Grid.

Instellars Global Pvt Ltd
I have placed it in action Top area.

Still didn't work ?
Accepted Solution
Updated: 2 May 2016 6:44 EDT

Embedded pane edit mode is used to display flow action for one row at a time.
Multiple row expansion is possible only using Expand pane edit mode.

Instellars Global Pvt Ltd
Hi Sathish,
I have configured like below in Grid Master-detail:
Display of details : Expandable rows;
Details Flow Action: <Flow Action Name>
Unchecked - display details in Readonly mode.
Checked - Display an expand/collapse icon per row
Can you please elaborate your suggested approach.
Updated: 2 May 2016 7:06 EDT

Your Grid configuration and the actions configured for the button looks fine.
Just place the button in grid action top and check if it works.

Instellars Global Pvt Ltd
the only mistake I have done is I have Checked Check box View details in Read only mode. Its working fine. Thanks Sathish for your help.

Instellars Global Pvt Ltd
My Original requirement is Fulfilled but now I am facing one issue and that is,
when I am trying to expand a row in the grid I am getting a blank space below the row and my flow action is not showing up but when I trace it I see that Flow action rule is getting called and executed. And with Action Top button if I click Expand all my flow action is getting displayed for all the rows with out any issue.
Note: Action set is already exist with
Click + Set focus & Edit row
Can any one suggest on how to fix this problem of expanding a row by clicking on it?

This is so weird.
Does this happen with all the rows in the grid ?
Does the grid display list of data instances / Work Objects / Assignments ?

Instellars Global Pvt Ltd
Yes Its same with all the rows in the Grid.
I am just displaying some simple data of a Work Object. my Page List is already present when I have opened this section.

The pagelist property class is inherited from Work- (or) Assign- ?

Instellars Global Pvt Ltd
Its a Data class.
we are pulling the Notes Data from External DB of a WO and forming a Page List .

Okay. Thanks for the confirmation.
Did you get any error in tracer (or) anything in the Pega logs ?
Also please provide the screen shot of the issue.

Instellars Global Pvt Ltd
Hi Sathish,
I am sorry I did not check there is a visibility condition on section rule I have used in Flow Action, I have cleared it and it is working fine now. Thanks for your help and sorry for the trouble.
sheshank saini.

Sure. Not a problem.