BPM Company
Last activity: 31 Dec 2019 14:10 EST
How to downloaded automatically archived files from the util node?
We are running Pega 7.4 on PegaCloud and have a need to purge & archive cases due to high volumes of certain cases. As a test, I configured purging & archiving on our development environment and found out that archiving itself is done correctly and the file locations are stored in case instances of PegaAccel-Management-Archival in page list pyIntervalStatistics. The location is then e.g. file://default:/ArchivedWork/ . However, my best guess is that the files are stored on our util node as the 'intervals' are ran by an agent, so I'm not able to access those by browser and download them manually.
I've seen that in 8.1 some improvements are done to move the files to an external storage, but I'm looking for a short term solution to download/move the files in 7.4 .
My questions:
- Is it true that the ArchivedWork directory is on the util node? Is there a way to make the files easier accesible?
- Is there an easy way to download the archived files manually (by browser from one of the web nodes)?
- Other suggestions for a short term solution to download/move the archived files are welcome.
***Edited by Moderator Marissa to update platform capability tags****