
Mercedes Benz Mobility
Last activity: 20 Nov 2020 8:09 EST
How to display case in the intent tasks list
There is a business scenario required to be implemented for the customer service application (V8) which is as below:
1) User can create a service case(SC1) from the interaction case(I1)
2) In the created service case(SC1), there is a button to create another case type(Q1) which is not part of intent tasks of interaction. After Q1 creation, the caseid of Q1 is shown as link in the flow action of SC1.
3) When user clicks on the Q1 caseid link, the Q1 case needs to be opened in the perform harness of same interaction and should be displayed as one of the service cases in the left hand panel below addtask button.
Currently, when I try to acheive this. The entire perform harness of interaction is getting refreshed and overridden by perform harness of Q1 case and this should not happen. So can you please share some insights on which all data pages are to be modified or to make sure appropriate data is loaded properly and Q1 is displayed under interaction.
Pega platform: PRPC V8.4 with Customer service for financial service V8
S Ch Avinash