How to create a CSV file out of Clipboard Page List
I am new to PEGA and I need some help.
I have a requirement where we need to export some results into CSV and keep it on some remote location.
FYI, This we have to do every week and the data will be 150k-175k records.
The above process needs to be automated.
First Approach,
There is an extract rule which does for a large amount of data. But Since extract doesnt have the feature of passing the date dynamically, we have kept it out of scope.
Second Approach,
I am trying to do a Obj-Browse for 1000 records at a time and then make it into CSV File.
1)For that, I am using an activity, where I give Obj-Browse step and give some page name. (Page)
2) Then I am writing pxConvertResultstoCSV method and I am giving the "Page.pxResults" in PageList Property parameter
3) I am able to get the column names, but no data is coming.
Please let me know, if any one has a better idea to get those results into CSV and place it on remote location.
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