
Morgan Stanley
Last activity: 20 Nov 2019 1:04 EST
Write page list to CSV file using Connect-File
How to write properties from a page list to a CSV using Connect-File.
Its not allowing to iterate over list of pages and then call Connect-File.
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Pegasystems Inc.
What is the "it" that is not allowing you to iterate your page list?
FYI: There are other ways to output a CSV file other than Connect-File, BIX for example.
A DBA can output a CSV file by accessing the database directly. For example PostgreSQL's psql COPY command can export as well as import CSV files.

Hi Haria,
Please follow the below steps and let me know if it works.
1. Create an activity
2. Get the results on to a page
3. Iterate on the loop of results (please see attached doc for reference)
4. Set the properties which you want (please see attached doc for reference)
5. Call the connect file method(please see attached doc for reference)
It works for us. Kindly let me know if you need anything.
sonilata jena

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Vasihnavi,
We are facing issue in creating CSV file.
Can you please let us know what have you done in Step 9 ? and in which step you are calling Connect-File. Requesting you to attach a full screenshot.
It would be really helpful if you could send the screenshots to [email protected] at the earliest.
Thank you,
Hi Vasihnavi,
We are facing issue in creating CSV file.
Can you please let us know what have you done in Step 9 ? and in which step you are calling Connect-File. Requesting you to attach a full screenshot.
It would be really helpful if you could send the screenshots to [email protected] at the earliest.
Thank you,

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Vasihnavi,
We are facing issue in creating CSV file.
Can you please let us know what have you done in Step 9 ? and in which step you are calling Connect-File. Requesting you to attach a full screenshot.
It would be really helpful if you could send the screenshots to Proprietary information hidden at the earliest.
Thank you,

Hi Pritam,
In Step 9, I have added a property set for setting the count and filename. It is not required so I haven't added in the reference document. Please find the attached for your reference.
Please follow these steps and let me know if you still face the issue.
- Get the results on to a page.
- Loop over its pxResults.
- Do a property set and get the data of all the required properties on to a parameter.
- Before calling the connect file method make sure to create the Connect File rule with the File name and File path being set properly.
- Map this parameter (Set in Step 3) to the Connect File method.

You can Do the following
1. Loop over the Page List.
1.1. Do a property-set -- > Param Property where mapped all the data you want to see for each row.
1.2 Call the Connect File Rule and define the Param Property in the the conect rule.
Make sure your connector Action is write from clipboard property.
Note: Connect rule is been created and File Name and File Path is been set already in the connect rule.