
Last activity: 20 Dec 2017 8:24 EST
How to write a page list contains page list properties to csv?
Hi All,
I know that we can write a page list to CSV by an OOTB activity. However, it only works for single value properties. With page list properties, are there anyway I can write it to csv file?
Moreover, I can display the page list in repeated grid layout. I know the size of the inner page list, so I can add a column for each the inner page list's elements. I wonder if there is a way to export data from repeated grid layout to csv?
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Accepted Solution

Pegasystems Inc.
For the display you had hard coded the indexes but i don't think same kind of behavior can be achieved during the export to excel functionality as the existing rules doesn't support the inner page list iterations for the excel generation as per my knowledge.

Pegasystems Inc.
You can use of OOTB function pxStringCSVFromPageList to achieve this .
Please go through below article for reference

Hi Arun,
When using "pxStringCSVFromPageList" function, I still have to write custom java code to export to CSV file. Actually I am looking for an OOTB activity for my problem.
Updated: 18 Dec 2017 22:00 EST

EPAM Systems, Inc.
Have you tried pxConvertResultsToCSV?
This activity can be used to convert the results from a pagelist property into a CSV file. It's an OOTB activity.
Kindly notify, if it does help.

Hi Asif,
Thank for your help. However, "pxConvertResultsToCSV" activity is the one I mentioned in my question. The problem is I can not pass page list properties as "CSVProperties" parameter (my page list contains other page lists)

Pegasystems Inc.
Hello Dat,
If you don't mind could you share the screenshots of the grid layout and the output of the grid, as i would like to understand how you are displaying the inner page list property data in the grid. Because i don't think we can display the inner page list data in the main page list record in grid as we can't integrate multiple records into the single outer record.

Hi Mahesh,
I can do it but it is not good and it does not follow best practice (I think).
ReportRules contains a page list called "Env". This is how I put it in repeat grid layout. The Env has max 3 elements, so I create 3 columns. Then I put hardcode-index element in each column.
This is how I set cell properties. I create a section to display the value. The section accept index number as a parameter.
This is EnvValue section.
Hi Mahesh,
I can do it but it is not good and it does not follow best practice (I think).
ReportRules contains a page list called "Env". This is how I put it in repeat grid layout. The Env has max 3 elements, so I create 3 columns. Then I put hardcode-index element in each column.
This is how I set cell properties. I create a section to display the value. The section accept index number as a parameter.
This is EnvValue section.
This is the result when running the case.
So this layout is like general html table. I do not know if I can export data from it.
There is another way to display the data. There is 1 column for all "Env". Then I put a section contains a repeat dynamic layout for Env values. But I think this structure can not be used for exporting data.
Accepted Solution

Pegasystems Inc.
For the display you had hard coded the indexes but i don't think same kind of behavior can be achieved during the export to excel functionality as the existing rules doesn't support the inner page list iterations for the excel generation as per my knowledge.