
Last activity: 7 May 2020 16:01 EDT
How to convert email .msg format to pdf in pega
We have a requirement where the user attached an attachment which is .msg format , I mean he is trying to attach an email to the case
Now we need to convert to pdf to store in some application
Is there any OOTB or please give us some steps to get this functionality done.
***Edited by Moderator: Lochan to update platform capability tags***
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Accepted Solution

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Charishmak,
Thanks for posting the query.
Step 10 of ConvertAttachmentToPDF activity contains a java code.It verifies for".doc" file and then converts it to pdf. You may have to modify this step for .msg.
Please find the screenshot attached.

BPM Company
In a first place, it's quite weird requirement - the process to save email as msg is almost the same as save it as pdf (to pdf even easier I reckon).
But if you still cannot question this requirement, there's no OOTB pega features, but you can use a 3d party java library and use it to generate PDF file (like

Initially we are saving attachment in our DB but now we have a change where we store our data in some other system which accepts only pdf.
In our project we have given an ability to the user to add emails as an attachment to the case; so we need to convert such emails which are attached to pdf before sending to the new system

BPM Company
so the question here is about the migration of existing emails?

yes, we need to migrate existing emails in to other system by converting them to pdf

BPM Company
Then the solution will depend on the amount of emails in the system and on your team skills.
I'd follow this way:
1. From release day 1, prohibit for users to save attachments in msg format. Only pdf
2. Either
-- extract all msg attachments from Pega DB, create a separate small java app to convert these msg's to pdf's in a bulk
-- add coverting library to Pega, create a custom activity which will iterate through all workobjects (with msg attachments) and in a java step convert it to pdf

I want that conversion from msg to pdf

BPM Company
how good are you in Java?
Accepted Solution

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Charishmak,
Thanks for posting the query.
Step 10 of ConvertAttachmentToPDF activity contains a java code.It verifies for".doc" file and then converts it to pdf. You may have to modify this step for .msg.
Please find the screenshot attached.
Dhama Yallanath

I am not able to find above activity in Pega 8.3.Which Pega version are you working on?

Pegasystems Inc.
Please refer the below article, it might help.

BPM Company
@bhars1 and @palas3 mentioned the same solution.
Did you guys ever tried that? doc's are not the same as msg's under the hood
Chandrabhan Gupta