How to Clone a Work Object in Pega and open the new Work object in New Tab
Hi Not able to clone a work object with case details using OOTB functionalities
I tried using the below mentioned OOTB functionality to a botton on my screen but it didnt work.
I tried following the below link to clone a work object and i was able to get the new work object created with no data copied into the case. I am poor in understanding the java code written in copywork activity . Hence not able to proceed further on my requirement. Need some help
attached is teh eg: CaseID: Daas-257 got cloned and the CaseID: DaaS-258 but teh content of the caseDaas-257 didnt get copied to Daas-258 and it didnt open in a new tab. Screenshot attached for reference
***Moderator Edit-Vidyaranjan: Updated SR details***