how to change the Pega default icon for help?
Is that possible to change the Pega default icon for help?
If yes, How to change it to a customized one?
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Is that possible to change the Pega default icon for help?
If yes, How to change it to a customized one?
That looks like the OOTB icon that comes with the helper text. You can try overriding where/what font family is being used for this CSS class. I believe it will be the Pega Icons coming from the UI-Kit if I am not mistaken. However, that might be harder than another approach.
Have you considered just adding your own icon to your form? This way you will have a lot more control over what is being displayed and also the actions which could be configured on it?
Thank you for your reply, You are right , the icon is one of the pega defauto icons which is in uikit-icons.woff2 ,
after I change the shape by using woff2 editor and uploaded it to prpc, I found it works.
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