
Last activity: 13 Nov 2023 6:48 EST
How can we set Goal,deadline and passed deadline dynamically ?
There is an assignment that is having SLA set for different types of customer like platinum, silver and gold. How to configure the goal and deadline properties dynamically for different types of customer.
Piyush Tiwari -
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Accepted Solution
Updated: 13 Nov 2023 6:48 EST

Bits in Glass
@TanyaS58 then you need 6 datetime properties. Each assignment will have goal and deadline. So 2 properties for each assignment SLAs. You will be referring these properties in assignment SLA not in assignment. And that property value will be datetime value which you will be populating using data transform based on business logic before the case reaches that assignment.
Please check the previous replies. Set to value to a property in SLA, that is where you will refer your goal and deadline property.

Tekclan Software Solutions
- Work-.pyUrgencyWorkAdjust – A property that you can set to increase or decrease the current urgency of a case. The value that you provide is evaluated by the Work-.pxUrgencyWork declare expression.
- Assign-.pyUrgencyAssignAdjust – A property that you can set to increase or decrease the current urgency of an assignment. The value that you provide is evaluated by the Assign-.pxUrgencyAssign declare expression
In Data transform we can use this property and increase or decrease the urgensy based on the condition.

@DhanasekarC0202 actually I have to set the goal and deadline properties for the assignment itself and then invoke the SLA,but before doing that the goal and deadline values should be already defined,so the DT approach is fine but i need the Goal and deadline property names.

Bits in Glass
@TanyaS58 you can use "set to the value of a property" Option and you can refer a property there. You can populate that datetime property in the case just before the assignment or you can fetch value through dpage by configuring values in data type. You will be setting number of days to that property. Other option is hardcoding number of days. This one we are setting days to property and using that property there instead of hardcoding.

@Anoop Krishna For this approach "set to the value of a property" I am unable to understand exactly what property for Goal and Deadline to set in the DT?

Bits in Glass
@TanyaS58you will be creating 2 datetime properties. Let me show an example below.
Hardcoding the values
Goal - 2 days
Deadline - 4 days
Using set value to a property
Goal - .GoalDateTime = 2 days(if silver), = 1(if gold)
Deadline - . DeadlineDatetime= 4 days(if silver), = 2(if gold)
So if you see we are setting number of days to a datetime property dynamically.
Updated: 1 Nov 2023 16:03 EDT

@Anoop Krishna no actually I want to know after creating these 2 new properties i.e.
.GoalDateTime and. DeadlineDatetime ,how to map these values in the case type?
eventhough we are hardcoding the values ,where exactly this needs to be done.
we created the SLA rule and for goal and deadline we selected the option set to the value of a property and entered the respective created properties,now how to set these values?

Bits in Glass
@TanyaS58 you will be wanting to do refer by a property because you need to calculate date by yourself. So based on the business logic on the case you will be setting the goal and deadline property before the assignment where this SLA is being referred. So once the case reaches this assignment, SLA gets initiated and these properties will have value which is set by you based on the business logic.
Updated: 7 Nov 2023 6:32 EST

@Anoop Krishna actually I want to know after creating 2 new properties for goal and deadline where to refer them in the assignment?suppose I have 3 assignments in a flow and on reaching the third assignment I want to set the goal and deadline values dynamically , how to configure this requirement?for all the three assignments i want to set goal and deadline dynamically.say for the first customer as gold goal and deadline are 2 and 4 hours likewise
Accepted Solution
Updated: 13 Nov 2023 6:48 EST

Bits in Glass
@TanyaS58 then you need 6 datetime properties. Each assignment will have goal and deadline. So 2 properties for each assignment SLAs. You will be referring these properties in assignment SLA not in assignment. And that property value will be datetime value which you will be populating using data transform based on business logic before the case reaches that assignment.
Please check the previous replies. Set to value to a property in SLA, that is where you will refer your goal and deadline property.