
Last activity: 19 Jan 2018 14:24 EST
How to add custom columns to Assign-WorkList
Hello team,
Can some one help me with how to add few columns (which are in pyWorkPage) to Assign-Worklist.
I have a requirement to generate the report. For this i need to join pyWorkPage with Assign-. But when i do this i am getting duplicate records due to some design issues. At this point of time i am not able to do the changes to the existing design. I feel if few columns related to pyWorkPage were available in Assign-Worklist then i can directly fetch the data from Assign-Worklist with out any join.
So i want to add few columns for each assignment in to Assign-Worklist.
Appreciate if some one can provide me step by step to achieve this.
I know its not suggested to customize Assign- but to me there is no other way.
***Updated by moderator: Lochan to add Categories***