Flow rule Process tab, visibility
In a flow rule, Process tab, under 'Start settings', if the checkbox 'Creates a new work object' is checked, then it makes 'Case creation Settings' section visible, otherwise invisible.
However, in the execercise system 'lab0157-OVA-CSHZ-V3.ova' from
(or https://academy.pega.com/enroll/C-903)
always shows the 'Case creation settings' section, irrespective of the status of the 'Creates a new work object' checkbox.
This excercise env is 'Pega CRM 7.22 on Pega 7.2.2'
The question therefore now is:
1. Is section 'Case creation settings' only applicable when checkbox 'Creates a new work object' is checked?
If checkbox 'Creates a new work object' is UnChecked, then will the flow work have different functionality when
checkbox 'Temporary object' is Checked versus UnChecked?
2. Our client env is on the same version as the VM from pega academy.
Why does the 'Case creation settings' toggle with checkbox selection in the client env but not in the exercise system? Both are 'Pega CRM 7.22 on Pega 7.2.2'
***Edited by Moderator Marissa to move from Product Support Community to Pega Academy***