
Sopra Steria Group
Last activity: 27 Nov 2018 12:46 EST
Flow not resuming after Wait shape and flow action pyContinueAfterWait
Hi everyone,
I configured a Wait shape inside a Flow to pause execution of the Flow until a date is reached, then continue the Flow.
The Wait shape is configured to use Reference date/time and use a case DateTime property that is calculated based on some business rules that couldn't fit in a SLA Rule (see attached picture wait-shape-configuration.PNG).
The Service Level Agent is waiting and updating the case by performing flow action (see attached picture audit-log-of-service-level-agent-actions.PNG)
But the flow should continue to next shape (see attached picture flow-extract.PNG) through connector (see connector-properties.PNG for connector configuration).
PEGA version is 7.3.1.
If someone can explain to me why the flow doesn't resume and how to fix this, you're more than welcome.