
Capgemini Technology Services India Ltd
Last activity: 19 Sep 2021 7:59 EDT
Fix Correspondence issue in Email delivery failure cases
We have created an application based on Email bot. Whenever delivery failure is happening for an email then perform action is displaying as Fix Correspondence. And unable to retain the default screen. Anyone know the solution for this issue. Appreciate your response!
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Aaseya IT Services Pvt Ltd.
If you are using SendSimpleEmail or CorrSend for outbound email, use some other OOTB send email activities like SendEmailNotification to avoid Fix Correspondence issue.
Hope this helps.

Pegasystems Inc.
Would it be possible for you to post a screenshot? Emailbots use email automation to send emails so I'm not sure how the flow is going into FixCorr.
Updated: 17 Sep 2021 11:26 EDT

Capgemini Technology Services India Ltd
@VikasRaidhan I think its happening because of delivery failure messages notifications.
PFA for your reference

Maantic Inc.
Where have you configured the delivery failure message? And what is it?
Email bots will use pxNotify activity to send outgoing replies which in turn calls a Queue Processor pyProcessNotification. This ultimately calls SendSimpleEmail. You can check instances of class Pega-Notification.
Updated: 17 Sep 2021 11:29 EDT

Capgemini Technology Services India Ltd
@Tanay Kumar Bal Thank you for your response again!!
Yes, what you said is correct I just checked. But I don't have an idea why this Fix corr screen is showing. Is it a pega bug? Because Previous days while tested with the same it didn't happen.

Maantic Inc.
Are you trying to say that the Fix Correspondence flow action is coming when the "To" email address is not valid? Earlier it used to work?
Updated: 17 Sep 2021 12:08 EDT

Capgemini Technology Services India Ltd
@Tanay Kumar Bal Yes correct.. In the attachment which I attached previously, in left screen it should display some perform actions which we've configured. But for these delivery failure email cases only the Fix Corr flow action is showing. Also no work around is there to get the actual screen

Maantic Inc.
Any specific scenario when this happens? Is it only when you do reply or reply to all? Please provide more details

Capgemini Technology Services India Ltd
Whenever email delivery failure happens this Fix corr flow got triggered in both Reply and Reply all scenarios...when I searched with the flow name in pdn I found there is a hotfix for it and this issue maybe because of SendSimpleEmail rule..

Maantic Inc.
I tried sending emails to email addresses which are non-existent, however I didn't encounter the issue. Can you try replying an email (reproduce delivery failure somehow) and trace queue processor pyProcessNotification and check to see if activity OnSend is getting invoked and whether the step "Call FixCorrespondence" is getting invoked, in which condition etc?

Capgemini Technology Services India Ltd