Finding logs / tracing File Listener
I have set up a File Listener for my Personal Edition and using it in an application. It's not working correctly - it's supposed to create cases from CSV files, but none are created when files are consumed. I only get an .err file which doesn't provide any info unfortunately.
I tried tracing the listener from Admin Studio - nothing shows up, even though I can see the file being removed and error count incremented on the Listener record. Also tried tracing the Service File - also not getting anything in the tracer.
I have checked "Generate report file?" on File Listener - can't see anything being generated.
I have checked "Persist Log-Service-File instances?" - Log-Service-File instance list is still empty.
Can't find any relevant log files on my machine either.
Is there something I'm missing, or is this just an issue with Personal Edition (I'm on version 8.7) ?