File Listener after upgrade from Pega 6.2 to 7.3 is not placing file in the work_listenername directory
We have upgraded the Pega application from 6.2 to 7.3 Post upgrade we are noticing that the file listener is behaving in a different way in v7. In v7 after the listener wakes up it is keeping the file in the same path while it is processing and finally moving it to /work_listenername/completed folder. Whereas in v6 the listener after it wakes up deleting the file from the source path, renaming it with a 16 digit number and placing it in the /work_listenername folder.Finally after processing the file is moved to the completed folder. Is there any change to the internal processing logic of File Listener in v7.3 is what we are wondering ? Please respond if anyone faced the same issue in their project.
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