
Last activity: 3 May 2016 15:06 EDT
FF issue :Text area OOTB is customised to display the character counter
FF issue :Text area OOTB is customised to display the character counter.When the harness is loaded the character counter is not visible.
The txt are on change onblur post value event is added.
On adding characters and blur ,the characters remaing label with character counter shows up.
but not on the loading of the Harness,
Attached the Text area script and screenshot
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Accepted Solution

HI Santosh
i have modified the code to remove the DIV Tag which covered the SPAN
Removed <div style="width:207px; float:right; ">
wrapped in a single span the label description .it worked on IE and FF.

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Ranjith
I do not understand the issue here
1. Do you do not want the character counter which seems to appear *ONLY* on Firefox ?
2. Does the character counter not display or behave the way you want in Firefox
Please mention the version of PRPC / Pega 7 you are using.
Have you tested this out of PRPC ? Say check the html that is generated in one of the html editors ?

HI After i tweak the code and edit W3c editor or Html editor ,the label show up..
Tested the W3c school editoir from chrome
but when it comes to pega rendering the harness on firefox this show up only on the on chnage event.
There is no when attached to the label.

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Ranjith
What is the version of PRPC?
Is this an issue only in Firefox browser?

6.2 SP2, and it only fails in Firefox

The Pega version is 6.2 Sp2 .The issue is the Text area (pxtextarea customised ) included with a label Characters Remaining under a div tag.
On the Load of the harness ,the text label doenst show up on firefox only .
The text area shows up.
After i enter characters on the text area ,on blur the on chnage event triggers and section refershed to show the label.
In IE the load of the Harness ,the text area and the label both show up

Pegasystems Inc.
I would compare the generated markup in IE and Firefox to understand the delta. Also use the DOM inspector to see if the label exists, but just doesn't show up for some reason.
What happens in Chrome?

I dont find any explicit difference in the source code taken from IE and FF.
But what i learnt fro firefox forums is that the FF intreprets the DIV tags differently.They asked to convert the DIV to SPAN.
Going to Try that..will update

Tried changing the Label to SPAN tag instead of div.Issue still exist.
Looks like the Reload Cell activity is called on blur and then the Label and counter gets displayed .
This is not displayed on the harness load.

Any other suiggestion or We need a SR to debug this further ?

Hi Ranjith,
I used your custom textarea control code and applied it a field in a sample locally.
I see the label as well as the textarea field on load of the harness in Firefox. I'm using 45.0.1
It is consistent with IE as well...
OnBlur/Post value also works in both browsers.
To continue helping you on this, can you please do the following -
1. Do the above test with your custom code on PegaSample application rulesets. Create a temporary access group(that uses OOTB User portal) with a test ruleset, let your operator point to it, override the OOTB TextArea control code with your code, apply it to a field and in an OOTB flow like PegaSample-Task and run it in FF and IE 11. Confirm that you still see the issue.
2. Collect Fiddler data when you load your harness in IE and FF and attach that evidence here.
Hi Ranjith,
I used your custom textarea control code and applied it a field in a sample locally.
I see the label as well as the textarea field on load of the harness in Firefox. I'm using 45.0.1
It is consistent with IE as well...
OnBlur/Post value also works in both browsers.
To continue helping you on this, can you please do the following -
1. Do the above test with your custom code on PegaSample application rulesets. Create a temporary access group(that uses OOTB User portal) with a test ruleset, let your operator point to it, override the OOTB TextArea control code with your code, apply it to a field and in an OOTB flow like PegaSample-Task and run it in FF and IE 11. Confirm that you still see the issue.
2. Collect Fiddler data when you load your harness in IE and FF and attach that evidence here.
3. Open the pega_ui_textarea.js rule, go the history tab - tell me the ruleset name/version# and update timestamp details of this rule.
Thank you,

I can test it in Pega Sample.Meanwhile can you confirm if this code works in Firefox version 38.2.0 .
Accepted Solution

HI Santosh
i have modified the code to remove the DIV Tag which covered the SPAN
Removed <div style="width:207px; float:right; ">
wrapped in a single span the label description .it worked on IE and FF.