Error - Process Start Failure for unattendend Robot
For Unattended robots, when adapter fails to start within given timeframe, Process Start Failure message shows which require manual intervention.
I had decompile the OpenSpan.Adapters.Windows dll, i found below method as culprit:
protected bool ShowStartTimeoutDialog(string name)
DialogResult dialogResult;
dialogResult = ((Target)this).get_NotificationService().ShowMessage($"The process {name} failed to start within the given timeframe. Continue waiting?", "Process Start Failure", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, DialogResult.No);
catch (NullReferenceException)
For Unattended robots, when adapter fails to start within given timeframe, Process Start Failure message shows which require manual intervention.
I had decompile the OpenSpan.Adapters.Windows dll, i found below method as culprit:
protected bool ShowStartTimeoutDialog(string name)
DialogResult dialogResult;
dialogResult = ((Target)this).get_NotificationService().ShowMessage($"The process {name} failed to start within the given timeframe. Continue waiting?", "Process Start Failure", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, DialogResult.No);
catch (NullReferenceException)
Diagnostic.TraceWarning(TraceCategory.ADAPTERS, "WindowsProcess.ShowStartTimeoutDialog: NotificationService is null - Designer may have been closed while waiting for a process to start.");
throw new ProcessStartTimeoutException($"The process {name} failed to start within the given timeframe.");
if (dialogResult == DialogResult.No)
throw new ProcessStartTimeoutException($"The process {name} failed to start within the given timeframe.");
return true;
I have tried to turned off all Diagnostic for runtime as well as studio, but no luck.
Either I have to modify dll code (Which is not possible at this time) OR I have to set notification service turned OFF (which either I'm not able to)
Can someone help me to get rid of this?