
Last activity: 12 Dec 2016 11:10 EST
Edit Attachment local action to update the atachments
Hi All,
I am using EditAttchment local action for updating the attachments on the case and save. This local action take about creation of new version for updated attachment.
As per my requirement i am doing some changes to this one. This Local flow action contains an HTML as section and its a final rule. One we launch the edit attachment local action we can see all attchments. on click of any attachment, it will open and we can update it.
Here the problem is on click of attachment one activity getting called to open the attachment i.e "GetAttachmentDetails". This an OOTB final activity. I need to update this activity as per my requirement, I have save as this activity with diofferent name in my rule set.
I don't know where all the placess i need to replace new activity. I am not able to find where exactly it is getting from. On click of EditAttachment HTML i.e "ActionEditAttachments" this activity is getting fired. I verifed that i did not find anything in that HTML regarding "GetAttachmentDetails". So can any one help on this.