
Last activity: 12 Oct 2018 14:09 EDT
Does PDC read PegaRules logs as well as PegaRulesAlert logs?
We are now using PDC for monitoring capabilities and i needed to know whether it can read rules as well as alert logs.
Thank you.
***Edited by Moderator Marissa to update platform capability tags****
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Pegasystems Inc.
For details regarding the data collected by PDC please refer to the following article:
In particular Exceptions logged in PegaRULES log files are sent to PDC for analysis:
Exceptions – Exceptions are sent to Predictive Diagnostic Cloud for analysis (DEBUG or INFO statements are not sent). You can view exceptions by looking at the error lines in the PegaRULES log file. Exceptions can contain some contextual data that is a subset of the fields sent for alerts.

British Telecom
Hi ,
Alerts, Exceptions, & KPI are sent securely from PRPC to PDC.
Kiran Tanuku
Pegasystems Inc.
Pega PDCto analyze the alerts Based on that, when unique issues are identified, Pega PDC analyzes the issue to provide next steps for remediation or further debugging.

Pegasystems Inc.
OOTB PDC does not get the PegaRules log file.
What do you need to monitor? What are you looking for?

I am trying to configure PDC for log monitoring and trying to understand if it has a capability wherein it alerts the platform support team on exceptions/errors like Java out of memory, requestor lock, etc.
As of now we have custom scripts deployed for proactive monitoring but we are trying to understand if PDC would be a good replacement of it.

Pegasystems Inc.
Such capabilities are present.
Please check the "Notification scorecards" paragraph in the following link for information on how subscribers can receive scorecards whenever relevant events occur:

Pegasystems Inc.
PDC does not do log monitoring per se, but it does receive a lot of events that are also reflected in the logs. PDC gets every alert and exception, and also receives a health status message from the management daemon every two minutes. Platform 73 (and maybe 72) send PEGA0086 messages for Requestor Lock Exceptions, and PDC knows how to read a PEGA0086 so that it gives you a reasonable explanation for why the session was locked, and has an optional notification scorecard specifically for PEGA0086. The management daemon sends PDC a health status message every two minutes. The health status message includes average CPU utilization over two minutes and current heap usage percentage. PDC will trigger alarms / notification scorecards if heap or cpu exceed threshold. PDC team has started adding logic to recognize specific common exceptions and translate them into actionable advice; we welcome more patterns / stories for our backlog. Feel free to contact me directly to review your existing monitoring and talk about what PDC can do in comparison.