
Capgemini Brazil
Last activity: 5 Oct 2018 12:47 EDT
Disable Pop-up from "Finish Assignment" Action `s Button
Hello Everyone.
I have a Application that uses a Case Type with a Button called from the harness.
This Button has only one Action: "Finish Assignment".
The problem is that, it`s always shows a Pop-up abou the Required Fields that I have in the Section on Load Screen. My Client Doesn`t want this Pop-up, and I figure Out that the object: "pzClientLocaleData" set the message: "Please correct flagged fields before submitting the form!".
What I want is only Remove somehow this Pop-up. Is it possible with a "Run Script" or DT? I don`t know, But I would Like to know if I have options to deal with it, or if I can`t do nothing about it.
Thanks and Regards,
Jonathan Santos.
***Edited by Moderator Marissa to update platform capability tags****